Our experience with all kinds of steel structures is a significant advantage as well as an added value for our customers looking for exceptional and impressive steel structure products. Among our realisations are steel structures and superstructures projects many thought impossible to accomplish.
We work with an impressive team of multi-skilled ironworkers using equipment among the most modern, allowing us to carry out all types of structural steel construction. With the experience gained from our many achievements, we have managed to develop unique construction methods that optimize on-site operations, making them extremely safe without compromising efficiency. This allows us to easily take on the most ambitious projects. Our team is around the world, proudly erecting spectacular steel structures knowing we are the most qualified to do so.
We constantly improve our quality standards. Our certifications in quality management are our way to offer our clients the highest quality of products and installations in compliance with the industry’s strictest requirements.
Courriel : dessins@proco.ca
Téléphone : 418-668-3371
Télécopieur : 418-668-8921